Thursday, May 27, 2010


They say beauty is irrelevant, fame is not important, and being yourself is what matters. As much as I want for beauty to be irrelevant and for people to be themselves, instead of doing stupid actions for fame, most likely it is not going to happen.

Sometimes the person who says 'you should be yourself' is a wannabe and wants to fit in. That doesn't make sense does it? Why would a wannabe say 'be yourself?' That would be hypocritical, wouldn't it? Still, it doesn't stop the person from being a wannabe and trying to fit in. Why would someone be a wannabe, act like their friends, then after the person thinks she is better than everyone else because she is in her ego, fuck her friends over and act like she is the queen bitch.

Well, like I said BEAUTY is important to the public and being yourself is not what matters. You have to make sacrifices to please the public and it pisses you the fuck off when every little thing you do for them doesn't please them. Anybody will do anything to fit in. Now sometimes, that isn't the case. A person could have no friends whatsoever or act like a fucking physco, but try to change and act all that, so they will get the attention they think they deserve.

Guess what? When they do change, they forget everything they have been through and the mistakes they have made. Then they judge everyone else around them to make themselves feel better. It is kind of sad when a piece of fucking trash who won't be anything has to spread rumors, tell lies, change her whole wardrobe, and act like she has lost her fucking mind just to gain some attention. It is sad.

Beauty is irrelevant, my ass.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Beauty and Image.

What is most important to people in this world? Well, according to the public and the media the most imporant thing is beauty and your image. That is really depressing when you think about it. Babies are born, they are forced to grow, they are told all their lives they need to be themselves and accept others, and then most of the world treats them like a disease for being different. When a child becomes a teenager, they are tired of the drama, tired of being criticized, and they crack under peer pressure. That is why most teens turn to drugs, alcohol, and end up having eating disorders. We keep trying to figure out what causes eating disorders and why the people who have them are obsessed with how they look? The problem is that you are telling them they will never be good enough, that they are not perfect, and they have to fit this image and not be themselves.

If you think girls with eating disorders are 'disgusting' and 'gross', why don't you stop judging them? You need to accept them for who they are and not be a snob. Parents need to not put their kids in stressful situations and the teenagers at school need to grow up and act like they have some sense. Drama, stress, and criticism creates eating disorders. Sometimes, we think we are not pretty and will never be anything because of what we see in the magazine. We then tend to blame the person in the magazine. If you think about it, the person in the magazine is not the one to blame. It is the public, the media, and the regular people you see day to day that want their friends, celebrities, and everyone else to be just like them and be the person they want them to be.

Is beauty really irrelevant?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A little rant.

They say...
Be yourself. No matter what anyone says. Some people say it and don't mean it and they will judge you until you think you are not good enough. The truth is you are better than them and they know it. Fuck them. Be successful and forget them. It is hard to be yourself because you will always be judged by someone. You have to learn to not care what people think and be the person you want to be.

It is hard to be yourself. Does anyone in this world be themselves or are you trying to impress your friends and your family because they are always putting you down?

In Hollywood, every actress and actor is told to be themselves. Then if they say one thing the public doesn't like, wears something the public doesn't like, or weighs more or less than they like, they are criticized harshly. They have to keep their comments to themselves, starve themselves, wear certain clothes, and do anything to impress the public. They are always worrying if this will make someone in the world happy.

I just wish everyone in Hollywood would go up in front of the media and the public and tell them, 'GO FUCK YOURSELF!'

Most of you need to be told that. Literally.

Go fuck yourself and let us live our lives the way we want. You've probably done ten times worse than us or have made the same mistakes. What gives you the right to criticize us?

You got something to say? We don't want to hear it. Fuck you. You want us to be ourselves and then when we let loose, you judge us. Fucking hypocrite.

Is Beauty really irrelevant?

What is 'in'?

What is 'in'? Is being thin in? Is being obese in? Is being fit in? What fashion is popular around your area?

Well, where I live you have to dress in a old flannel shirt, jeans with holes, talk trash about every better than you, and be bigger than a size 12 to fit in. If you are smaller than a size 12 or near a size zero, you are automatically hated by the biggest clique in my area. They are the same people who say 'be yourself and don't listen to other people. Live your life the way you want' but then tell you that you are ugly, too skinny, a snob, and they put your dreams down to make you feel horrible about yourself. They like to make you feel like you won't be anything, because they know they won't be successful. When you stand up to those kind of people, try to be successful, and live your life the way you want, to them you become a 'fake ass snobby bitch who thinks she is better than every one else'.

The truth is they think they are better than anyone else and if you look better than them, they will make you feel like a piece of shit. If they see you have talents and you try to become a somebody, they will do anything to get the fame and to put you down. Those type of people are the snobs.

It is hard to be yourself when the whole world judges you for who you are, how you dress, what weight you are, and what race you are. It is hard. Most of the people around my area, when they watch television, they don't care about the script or the hard work the actors put into it. All they care about is the fashion, their weight, and their looks. That is all they talk about. Then they can't figure why half the girls in this world have starved themselves, got plastic surgery, and never say how they feel. You will always be judged for every little thing you do. Always.

Is beauty really irrelevant?

Is Beauty Irrelevant?

I wish beauty was irrelevant. When I was a kid, I didn't think much about my looks and didn't care. I wish I could be like that again. Now, I'm going on diets, not eating, turning down the foods that I love. I am so miserable. If people didn't judge others, I wouldn't have this problem. I am always surrounded by people that make you feel like you won't be successful or be anything you want to be.

I honestly don't care how other people look. It is their business. Why am I the only one who doesn't care what people look like? I wish I could be myself and not care about the criticism. Hopefully, in a couple years, I will reach the point when I don't care what other people think about me or my appearance, and I will do what I feel like doing. For now, I feel fat, ugly, and useless. Hopefully that will change.

Is beauty irrelevant? Do you not care what people think about you? How do you not care? Please tell me, so I can learn to not care either.

'Be Yourself'

We all have quotes that inspire us and make us feel as if someone understands. There are some quotes that inspire you to do something great and it all seems easy. The world makes it seem like it is too hard to accomplish. When you see people quote a famous saying but never live up to its word, that is when you start to feel like the quote was a cliche saying that is said by fakes who will never be themselves.

We all know there are tons of people in this world that will not accept another person for who they are. You judge someone every day and you probably don't realize it. Some people do realize it but do it anyway to feel better about themselves. I know because I have seen it.

There has been a saying I have been hearing since I was 15 years old. It inspired me, like most people, to not care what people say, do what you want to do, and live your life the way you want.

'Always be yourself' we have all heard that, haven't we?

For four years, I have been trying to be myself. No one wants to be yourself. They only want you to be what THEY want you to be.

Every day, I see someone who has said 'Be yourself' look at someone and judge them for their appearance, race, fashion, hairstyle, or weight. Most of the time they are doing it to make themselves feel better.

MOST of the people who say 'be yourself' then turn around and insult someone because they are not like them, are jealous. Now that sounds cliche too, I know, but if you actually look at the person that is insulting the other, you can actually see that they are jealous.

Is beauty really irrelevant?

Friday, May 14, 2010

About this blog.

Ever since most of the people at my school found out that I was anorexic, bulimic, and had weight issues I have been treated like a horrible person. Most of them are overweight and have a huge hatred to girls that are thin. Everytime they would see a girl who was a size zero, they would automatically judge her and insult her for the way she looked.

This is what I don't understand. When a skinny girl calls an obese girl fat then it's called being prejudice. When an obese girl calls a skinny girl a anorexic worthless bitch, everyone laughs, everyone agrees, and treats her like a disease. Maybe I'm a dumb blonde and that's why I don't understand this, but maybe you can explain this to me?

I made this blog for a reason. I am going to blog about my weight troubles and comments made about weight from magazines and regular people who think they know everything.

Some say Beauty is Irrelevant: Should I Listen? Some say Beauty matters and they talk about a persons weight, appearance, and what they wear. What should I believe? When will people make up their mind?