Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Anorexia and Bulimia makes you pretty.

Well, according to half of the people in the world 'weight' and 'appearance' are important. It seems no matter how much weight we lose or change our appearances, we will never be perfect for anyone. When you judge someone on television because of what they wear, their weight, and appearance, you are basically saying they are not perfect in your eyes and they need to lose weight or change themselves just to please you. When was the last time you looked in the fucking mirror? I'm sure you're Miss America, yourself right?

When you judge us and make us feel like we will never be perfect in this world, we end up having eating disorders. Yes, some of you preach 'be yourself', and 'it doesn't matter what people think', but that is only like maybe 2% of the world. The other 98% want people to be skinny, be beautiful, be gorgeous, be sexy, have a certain style, and want them to say what the public wants them to say. When you do lose the weight, change your style, and your finally sexy, then the 98% of the public tells you that you are too thin, you need to gain weight, you are a fake, you should be yourself, and then they make up rumors about you.

So according to the public, Anorexia and Bulimia is pretty, because it makes us look like the image you want us to be. When we do have that image, you get jealous, and turn into a hypocrite.

Why can't you all make up your mind? You do know that judging people, spreading rumors, and making people change themselves to please your sorry ass is so middle school, right? So, did half of the fucking world stay immature or are they just jealous because they will never be like us?

They say beauty is irrelevant, I say they are full of shit.

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